Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland

" Digigrow have made life significantly simpler for us. One of our biggest worries when thinking about setting up a data management system was that we would not be able to dedicate sufficient resources to its operation and that we therefore wouldn’t be able to sustain its upkeep or benefit from it. Digigrow simply took this off the table, they look after everything for us. We simply log in to our dashboards and see our results and trends as needed, and we never need to worry about any of the data analysis or onboarding. It honestly feels as if we have a full team of people on site with us all the time combing through our figures. I would highly recommend working with Digigrow and in particular encourage you to try their centralised operation approach, it has worked wonders for us "

Tom Scott, CEO Spina Bifida Ireland

Project Overview

Brainstorming & identification of underlying root cause issues

Demonstration of the Centralised Cloud Operation approach

Customised trial

Organisational rollout

Continued, long term operation & partnership

Brainstorming & identification of underlying root cause issues

Spina Bifida's CEO Tom Scott approached us in 2016 as his organisation was beginning to encounter what were perceived as being communication issues, with first instincts pointing towards the development of a platform which would enhance internal communication within the charity. Our first response to this query was to organise a brainstorming session with Tom and with the organisation's other key stakeholders.

During the course of the half-day session in Spina Bifida's headquarters, we were able to identify that there was in fact no communication issue within the organisation, but that better data handling using a customer relationship management (CRM) system could enable the increasing number of memberships, donations and activities to be efficiently tracked and organised which would in turn allow optimisation of the charity's resource allocation.

Demonstration of the Centralised Cloud Operation approach

Once the CRM system requirement had been identified as the primary issue, we focussed upon communicating all available options to Spina Bifida such that they would be able to make as informed a decision as possible. The main question which we needed to answer for the charity was "Even if we do get a CRM system, who will operate it when installed?". We addressed this question by demonstrating that with Digigrow's Centralised Cloud Operation, Spina Bifida would not need to worry about the workings of the system or to train any employees to operate it. We showed that for Spina Bifida the process would be very simple:

Spina Bifida & Digigrow would together:
  • Define the data currently available
  • Decide upon the types of results or trends which Spina Bifida would like to monitor
Digigrow will then:
  • Create a cloud based CRM system and continue to host, monitor and maintain this system in the future
  • Onboard all available data
  • Continuously analyse all of this data and interpret it for Spina Bifida
  • Create online interfaces allowing members of the Spina Bifida organisation to log in at any time in order to monitor and use these interpreted results
  • Continue to work with Spina Bifida to make sure they always receive the correct information and interpretations which they require from collected data
CRM strategy for Spina Bifida

CRM system creation

Member data onboarding

Analysis of data & generation of outputs

Interpretation of data & strategic decision making

Customised trial

Once we had demonstrated how the Centralised Cloud CRM system would work for Spina Bifida, we offered to set up a 30 day customised trial for the charity which would allow testing and verification of the system in order to ensure that they would be completely satisfied with it.

We therefore integrated a Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM system initially just for the Leinster Branch of the organisation, uploaded vital portions of the branch's available data and began to provide Spina Bifida with access to results, trends and interpretations stemming from this data. We utilised this 30 day period to capture all possible modifications which could be implemented in the full system to optimise the output for the charity's key stakeholders.

Organisational rollout

Following the 30 day trial, and upon confirmation from the charity that they were happy with the Centralised Cloud System which we had developed, we expanded the system to the entire organisation, onboarding remaining data from other branches across the country and creating long term strategic data insight objectives and goals in conjunction with the charity.

Feedback from the trial

One of the many great benefits of the 30 day trial period is that it is an opportunity to observe how the organisation utilises the information and trends which are available to it, and to determine how the system could potentially be improved. Therefore at the end of the trial we placed great emphasis upon the feedback which we sought from Spina Bifida's stakeholders to ensure that we could implement required changes and adjustments.

Revisit the system's objective

One aspect of this feedback always focusses upon the re-definition of the system's point of difference for the client. Therefore at this point we re-established whether Spina Bifida were happy that the system was able to deliver its promised benefits or whether adjustments were required to achieve this.

Integration of remaining data and modification of system

At this point once we were satisfied that we had obtained all available feedback and redefined the strategic objective of the system, we set about onboarding remaining data, implementing any required modifications, and establishing controlled access to the generated outputs for all appropriate personnel in the organisation.

Continued, long term operation & partnership

We are proud to say that we have continued to grow our relationship with the Spina Bifida Charity and that Spina Bifida has reaped many organisation benefits from the Centralised Cloud CRM system such as improved territory analysis, budget allocation, resource allocation and planning. Over time we have continued to handle all operation of this system for the charity, continuously onboarding new data as it is collected, developing new analyses and interpretations, and always working together to ensure that the results which Spina Bifida sees are the ones it requires to operate as efficiently as possible.

Would you like to see how Digigrow's Centralised Cloud Operation could help optimise your company's operation and data management?